10 Fun Ways to Enjoy God’s Creation as a Family

God’s creation is a beautiful gift, filled with wonders that remind us of His love, power and creativity. From the towering mountains to the tiniest insects, everything around us reflects God’s handiwork. But in the rush of daily life, we sometimes forget to pause and appreciate the world He has made.

Taking time to explore and enjoy nature is a powerful way to connect with God and teach our children about His greatness. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a backyard adventure or simply watching the clouds, there are endless ways to experience the joy of nature. Here are ten creative and faith-filled ways to help your family enjoy and appreciate God’s creation together.

Go on a Nature Walk and Praise God

Take a family walk and use the time to admire God’s creation. Notice the trees, the sky, the animals and the flowers. Encourage your kids to name things that amaze them. Use Psalm 19:1 as a reminder:

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

Start a Creation Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of different elements of nature—birds, leaves, clouds, rivers, flowers, etc.—and turn it into a fun scavenger hunt. This is a great way for kids to be curious and observant, helping them see how detailed and intentional God’s creation is.

Have a Picnic and Thank God for His Blessings

Pack a picnic and enjoy a meal outside while thanking God for His provision. Even the simple joy of food and fresh air is a reason to praise Him. Before eating, take turns sharing one thing in nature that makes you feel close to God.

Watch a Sunrise or Sunset

There’s something awe-inspiring about watching the sky change colors at dawn or dusk. Wake up early or sit outside in the evening as a family to witness this daily masterpiece, reflecting on Lamentations 3:22-23: “His mercies are new every morning.”

Camp Out and Gaze at the Stars

Spend a night under the stars, whether in your backyard or at a campsite. Read Genesis 1 and talk about how God created the universe. Find constellations and explain how the same stars Abraham saw in the Bible still shine today!

Plant a Garden as a Family

Gardening is a hands-on way to teach kids about God’s design for growth and life. Let them plant flowers, vegetables or herbs and watch them grow. Just as seeds need care to grow, our faith needs nurturing too (Matthew 13:31-32).

Listen to the Sounds of Creation

Take a moment to sit in silence outdoors and listen—birds singing, wind blowing, water flowing, etc. Ask your children what they hear and discuss how each sound is part of God’s symphony. Try closing your eyes and imagining what it was like when God first created the world. Do you know what days God created each of his creations? This Groundnuts song can help with that as well.


Take a Trip to Explore Different Parts of Nature

Whether it’s visiting a beach, hiking in the mountains or walking through a meadow, experiencing different landscapes shows how vast and diverse God’s creation is. Bring along a journal and sketch or write about what you all see.

Create Art Inspired by Nature

Bring out paints, crayons or clay and let your kids create something based on what they see outside. Whether it’s a leaf rubbing, a watercolor sky or a handmade birdhouse, using creativity to reflect God’s creation is a fun and meaningful activity.

Read Bible Verses About Creation Together

As a family, read passages like Genesis 1, Psalm 104, and Romans 1:20, which all highlight the beauty of God’s work. You can also memorize Psalm 95:4-5:

“In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him.”

Let these words remind your family to appreciate and care for creation.


God has given us a beautiful world to explore and enjoy, and every part of creation points back to Him. By spending time in nature, we not only admire His handiwork but also deepen our faith and appreciation for His presence in our lives.